Faith Resources for Children and Families

Children’s work at RLBC

Christianity Explored

Other summer online programmes for children

Keswick for Kids. 11.15am Monday 27th to Friday 31st July and available afterwards on YouTube

Virtual Sunday School Holiday Club. 9am and 5pm. Monday 3rd to Friday 7th August.

Maidwell Virtual Venture. For 8-11 year olds. Karen is a leader on this venture and our RLBC children attend each year. 10am. Tue 11th to Thu 13th August. Pre-booking essential.

Beach Team Online 25 minute sessions for under 11’s run by Beach Missions, normally present on UK Beaches throughout the summer.

Day 5: Finale

Day 4: Transformed

Day 3: Tripping

Day 2: Trusting

Day 1: Turning

Ideas for extra Transformation Crafts

Transform a toilet roll tube into binoculars, a telescope or a puppet!

Transform a newspaper into a boat

Transform a plastic milk container into an elephant! Watch this Youtube video to help you

Other ideas for activities at home

Design a monster

Design a flying machine or a planet

Draw a treasure map

Make a pillow fort

Challenges at home

Build a tower from spaghetti and marshmallows or from newspaper

Transform yourself into a King or Queen

See how many ‘keepie-uppies’ you can do with a toilet roll

Holiday Bible Club songs

Here are some links to lyric videos for some of the songs we have sung at Holiday Bible Club

Big Family of God

If God made the sun

Choose yourself today

I will always be with you

10, 9, 8 God is great

Christ Jesus came into the world

God can do anything, anything at all

For I know the plans I have for you

For God so loved the world

Do not be frightened, Do not be afraid (Be Strong, Take Courage)

Never Give Up (The rain may be falling)

Our God is a great big God

Are you ready for a big adventure?

My Lighthouse

Rainbow (It’s not a secret)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

Man looks on the outside

God made me who I’m meant to be

F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely on God)

God’s love is bigger than a burger

Creator God